Saturday, June 8, 2013

Day 5 : A not so Sleepless Night in Seattle

So unlike the movie I think all the hiking and walking caught up with us and we all got a good night sleep in Seattle.  We ended up getting up this morning and heading back into Seattle to visit Pikes Market.  We had a really good breakfast downtown, Colleen had a Smoked Salmon omelet and I had a Dungeness Crab Eggs Benedict.  They both were very tasty.  Next we headed to the street market and enjoyed looking at all the fresh flowers, produce and seafood.  If I lived in Seattle I think I would be poor from always buying fresh seafood at Pikes Market.  We ended up buying a Copper River Salmon Filet and a piece of Chilean Sea Bass (Colleen's favorite).  All I can say we are going to have a mighty nice meal at some point on this trip.  For all you Starbucks fans out there, we also got to see the original Starbucks which was across the street from the Market.  After returning the rental car we hit the road again for our overnight stop in Osburn Idaho (middle of nowhere).  We did see an Elk in a field as we were driving and Northern Idaho is very beautiful with some really nice lakes.  I think I know where I want to retire!!!!  Tomorrow we head into Glacier for two nights.  Hopefully we won't freeze to death with highs in the 40s and lows in the 20s.  I am not sure if we will have Internet access in Glacier national park so I may be gone for several days.  Good Night All!!!

We Made it to Osburn Id

Flowers in Pike's Market

More flowers

Yummy Salmon and Red Snapper

I could eat for weeks from this picture

Pike's Market Seattle

The Original Starbucks in Seattle

A beautiful view of a Lake in Idaho as we head to Osburn

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I'd spend way too much at the fish market, too. That one picture with the seafood is making me salivate :-)
