Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 14 : Devil went down to South Dakota

So this morning we went up to Devils Tower for a quick visit and to get the girls National Passport stamped.  I have to say it is an absolute amazing mountain.  We took a short walk around the base and saw some crazy people climbing up the side of the mountain.  After our quick visit we got in the RV and headed towards Custer State Park in South Dakota.  We arrived at the park and found our spot in the campground.  We then went up for a visit to the Crazy Horse Memorial.  It is going to be an amazing carving when it is done.  The bad news is most likely I will not get to see it finished in my life time, maybe my kids will.  It will be about 10 times larger than Mount Rushmore.  They have been working on it for about 50 years now and they have basically only completed the face.  The original sculptor who is dead now and his wife and kids are continuing the carving originally basically worked on it by himself day in and day out.  Luckily he had 10 kids to start helping as they grew up.  The project is completely privately funded and they refuse on funds from either the State or Federal governments to ensure it gets completed as planned.  Tomorrow we will be heading up to Mount Rushmore to view the carving and see the night show.  The wife also wants to check out some black hills gold stores also.

1 comment:

  1. Cool pictures of Devil's Tower and the Crazy Horse monument. I've never seen close up pictures of Devil's Tower, it's really interesting looking.
