Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 3 : We survived the 8.7 Mile Hike of 10 Falls

So we got up this morning ate breakfast and packed our lunch and our camelbacks for a hike to see 10 Waterfalls.  Now convincing the kids they wanted to take an 8.7 mile hike was not an easy tasked but I am happy to say we all survived.  We all had some sore feet and were very tired at the end but it was well worth it.  We saw 10 fabulous water falls and actually got to go behind four of them.  If you are a fan of waterfalls as my family is I would highly recommend a visit to Silver Falls OR.  I personally thought the falls were nicer than those at Yosemite.  You can enjoy some of the pictures below.  We all went to bed early after a long day of hiking and to get up early the next morning to head to Seattle with a stop at the Johnston Ridge Observatory at Mt St Helens.


Waterfall at Silver Falls OR

Colleen, Amanda and Mel behind a Waterfall

I think Amanda is ready to end this hike

Waterfall at Silver Falls OR

Colleen and Mel

Tracy and Colleen

Waterfall at Silver Falls OR

Don't we look so cute

Hanging out on a log

Trust me they wanted me to fall

Waterfall at Silver Falls OR

Behind a Waterfall

I want to break out into a song

A mini Waterfall

You guessed it another Waterfall

Happy to be eating Lunch