Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 4: Cloudy Mt. St. Helens and the Space Needle

Well to start it off:  HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me!!!!!.  Yes today is my Birthday and we got up this morning packed things up and headed to the Johnston Ridge Observatory at Mt. St. Helens.  Unfortunately it was cloudy so we could only see the base of the Volcano.  They had a great video showing and illustration of the force that the Volcano emitted when it erupted in 1980.  Man it does not seem like that happened 33 years ago.  I am getting old.  The area around the base of the Volcano is still quite barren from the eruption.  After we had seen enough of mostly clouds we heads up to Seattle for a nice birthday dinner at Iver's Salmon House.  They had Copper River Salmon and it was absolutely delicious.  After that we headed to the Space Needle to go up to the Observatory to see Seattle at dusk.  It was a great view from a top the Space Needle.  Tomorrow we plan to head to Pike's Market and hopefully get some fresh fish for a future dinner on our trip and then head to Osburn Idaho as a half way point on our trek to Glacier National Park.

Johnston Ridge Observatory at Mt St Helens

Mt St Helens covered in clouds

Mt St Helens covered in clouds

The Space Needle in Seattle

Look a UFO landed up there

City of Seattle from the Space Needle

City of Seattle from the Space Needle

Our free Space Needle Picture

1 comment:

  1. Great picture of you guys with Seattle in the background.
