Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 10: Do Coyotes Poop on the street?

So today we got up and prepared for our second trip into Yellowstone.  Today we were going to explore the southern loop of Yellowstone.  We ate breakfast and got into the car for another long day exploring the park.  Today we did not see as many animals but we did add a Coyote to our list of animals seen.  An to answer the question above the answer is yes Coyotes do poop on the street, and we saw the actual act and evidence left behind.  To bad we didn't get a picture because I would have posted it.  We visited two geysers including Old Faithful.  We got lucky and arrived about 10 minutes before it was set to blow.  Perfect timing on our part.  We saw several more waterfalls and Lake Yellowstone which is quite large body of water which had several hot springs running directly into it.  Tomorrow we pack up here in West Yellowstone and move into the park at Fishing Bridge for one night inside the park.  Not sure if we will have a connection inside the park so will talk with you guys next time I can.

You guessed it a Waterfall

Nice River

A smaller Geyser erupting

A smaller Geyser erupting

A crystal clear hot spring

Buffalo relaxing

Coyote strolling off after pooping on the road


Old Faithful Sign


Elk taking his siesta

Mud Volcano

Beautiful river flowing through Hayden Meadow

Pair of Bison enjoying an afternoon swim
Old Faithful erupting

1 comment:

  1. I'm very disappointed that you did not take a picture of the scat on the road. My time reading this blog may have come to an abrupt end.
