Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 27: My Bro and Lobsters

So today we had to say goodbye to Colleen's Brother and family as we left for our journey to Maine.  We made one quick stop at the Hartford CT airport to pick up my brother who flew to CT to join us for our trip to Maine and then down the east coast to GA where we will drop him off next weekend.  After picking him up we began our 7 hour journey to Maine.  We arrived at about 5pm in Bangor Maine and got our rental car at the airport and headed to our camp ground.  After quickly setting up we headed off for our first meal of Maine Lobster.  Amanda and Troy each got Lobster and Colleen and I got Lobster Rolls, and guess what Melanie got Chicken Fingers.  I think Melanie has had Chicken fingers in every state we have visited.  Can you believe anyone would have Chicken Fingers for Lobster.  It was quite delicious and can not wait for more lobster tomorrow.  Also thanks Alex and Jason for getting the AC Repairman to come out today to fix the AC issues.  Lets all pray for no more issues in Folsom.  I can also say I am not missing the 105+ degree weather back home.  Stay cool everyone back home.  Tomorrow we will be heading out to explore Acadia National Seashore.

Amanda trying to decide how to eat this thing

Troy ready to have some Lobster

Day 26: Play Ball and Fireworks

Today we went to see our Nephew/Cousin play in his Allstar Baseball game.  It was a great game but they loss by a score of 8-10.  We had a great time watching the game and spending time with Colleen's Brother Family.  After the game we headed back to their house and cooked a really nice dinner.  After dinner the kids did some fireworks a little early of the fourth but unfortunately we had to head out in the morning to continue our journey.  After fireworks and catching a few fire flies we all played Po-Ke-No and had a good time.  Off to wonderful Maine tomorrow!!!  Also thanks to Rich Horn and Alex and Jason Jahn for helping me resolve my AC issues back in Folsom.  It is so nice to have such great friends that are their to help when you need them no questions asked.  THANKS and we owe you guys.

Caleb getting advice from Dad

No sure if he is playing Baseball or Golf - But was good for a double

Safely stealing third

Kids cooling off in the pool

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 25 : Horses and Strawberry fields

So today was going to be another day of off and on rain.  We decided to try our luck at picking strawberries before lunch.  We had lots of luck and were able to pick two flats of delicious strawberries before the rain arrived.  We then had lunch and headed off to the stables where Aunt Julie has her horse Petey.  One of the girls most favorite things is horse back riding.  So we got to the stable and Saddle up the horses and the girls got to ride for about an hour.  Julie and the two girls headed out for a short trail ride and time the left the covered arena it started to pour down rain.  But trust neither one of the girls wanted to turn around.  The three of them came back quite wet.  They had a great time riding with their Aunt Julie.  We had a wonderful dinner and then ended the evening with some wonderful fresh strawberry shortcake.

Girls with Petey

Aunt Julie giving Petey a warm up

Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 24: Long drive to Connecticut

So today we left PA for a visit with Colleen's brother in Connecticut.  This was going to be one of our longest drives yet about 9 hours.  We also had pouring rain most of the drive.  One of the things I miss. most from the east coast is the thunder and lightning storms.  Well I have gotten my fill over the last few days.  I so enjoyed sitting out listening and watching these wonderful storms.  We finally arrived at Colleen's brother at about 10pm.  The girls were extremely happy to see their cousin.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 23 : The visit with the Colleen's Parents coming to an end :(

Well the visit with Colleen's parents and family is coming to an end as we will be heading out of Vandergrift PA tomorrow to head up to Bethany CT to visit with her Brother and family for a few days.  We had a great time seeing Colleen's family and help her Mom and Dad with things around the house.  Amanda and Melanie got to see most of their Aunts, Uncles and Cousins that live in the area which is a good thing since we only make it this direction about every two years.  It is amazing to see how some of the kids have grown up over the years.  When Colleen and I first started dating many years ago and we would come to visit her parents I remember playing with her cousins kids who were probably 4-6 years old.  They are now grown men and women, it is amazing how quickly time flies and hair falls out.  Colleen's mom is recovering well from open triple by-pass which is good to see.  But to be honest I am so ready to get to Maine for some Lobster.  Talk to all later.

Cousins Mason and Austin

Cousins Makenzi and Madisyn

Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 21 : Cleaning up the evidence

Well I have to admit I am a major bug killer.  Today was time to clean off the evidence from the front of the RV.  There must have been 1 million suicidal bugs smashed on the front of the RV.  It took Colleen and myself a good 3 hours to remove them all with some heavy scrubbing.  But I have to say it looks nice and shiny again and ready for 5 more weeks of bug smashing.  That was most of our day today.  Tomorrow we will be visiting more of Colleen's relative.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 20 : Churchill Downs another big surprise

So we headed off for our long journey to Vandergrift PA this morning for our stop over at Colleen's Parents.  Since we were heading right by Louisville KY I thought a short stop over to see Churchill Downs would be fun.  I always enjoy watching the Kentucky Derby each year and always wanted to see what the beautiful track looked like.  Now I am sure others like me expected the track would be in this beautiful Plantation type setting with Horse Pastures all around.  Well at least that is what I was expecting.  NOT THE CASE!!!  It is actually in the middle of Louisville which is a pretty large town with Louisville University right there also.  The track is actually in an area that I would fill uncomfortable walking around at night.  So if anything I can say this trip is putting reality to what I think reality is.  Well after our short drive by the track since they had a race going on today they were charging for parking so we did a quick drive by a pictures out the window.  We then finish our 7 hour drive to Vandergrift and arrive safely at Colleen's Parents.  Colleen's Mom had triple by-pass surgery 2 weeks ago so Colleen was happy to see her and she is doing quite well.  We will be here 3 or 4 days before heading off to Colleen's brother's in Connecticut. Later!!!

Churchill Downs

Churchill Downs in the middle of Louisville

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day 19 : Spelunking and Fire Flys

Well today we got up ate breakfast and headed off to Mammoth Caves.  These are the longest caves in the known world at over 400 miles long.  We signed up for two different tours each two hours.  The Historic tour we did in the morning and got to experience caves like Tall Man's Agony and Fat Man's Misery.  Trust me I would hate to be a tall, fat man going through these sections.  I am not that tall and it was a pain getting through some of the small areas in the caves.  In the afternoon we took the New Entrance Tour which took us 260 ft straight down in the beginning and then we worked our way back up to ground level.  The last area was called Frozen Niagara and had lots of Stalagmites and Stalactites.  This was really the only area in the caves that had these formations which is caused by water leaking into the caves.  Most of the cave area was very dry.  To me the best part of the caves were the constant 57 degrees while it was in the mid 80s and humid above ground.  In the evening the girls caught fire flies which is a true sign we are on the east coast.  You west coast only people probably have never seen fire flies which are little bugs the fly around and light up at dusk.  Well tomorrow we end our sight seeing for several days as we head up to PA to visit Colleen's parents for several days and then head off to Connecticut to visit her brother.  So don't be concerned if you do not see any blogs for the next few days as I doubt their will be much to write about.  Talk to you all soon!!!!

Now don't they look like they are having fun

Frozen Niagara

Frozen Niagara

Frozen Niagara

Frozen Niagara

Frozen Niagara

Frozen Niagara

Friday, June 21, 2013

Day 18 : St Louis Good for Beer, Bad for RVs

So we started the morning off with a exploring the Abe Lincoln Museum in downtown Springfield IL.  It was a very informative and well done museum.  Since this was my first Presidential Museum/Library I have been too, I did not know what to expect.  I learned quite a bit of interesting facts about Lincoln and his presidency that I did not know before.  For instance, did anyone know that when Lincoln first made the Emancipation Proclamation it did not free any slaves.  The proclamation on freed the slaves in the States that succeeded from the Union and since they had succeeded were not under the Federal government rule.  So if the Union would have lost the proclamation would have been worthless.  The three Slave states that stayed with the Union were exempt from the proclamation because they threaten Lincoln if he freed their slaves they would join the confederacy.  Ok enough of a history lesson.  After the museum we boarded the RV to head to Mammoth Caves in Kentucky.  Since the trip took us very close to St. Louis I want to do a quick stop to take pictures of the St Louis Arch.  Part of the goal of the trip was National Parks and US Landmarks.  So we headed off to St Louis.  We got their in about an hour in a half and I headed to the Gateway Arch Park and Riverfront area.  That was the beginning of what almost became a catastrophe. We followed the signs not knowing the road construction led down a one way street to a bridge that was only 8'6" tall.  No where close to tall enough for the RV.  My only option was to pull into a pay parking lot that luckily had an exit on the other side that allowed me to exit this area.  Now the challenge was to pull a 32' RV into the very tight turn into the Parking lot without hitting a parked car or Concrete posts.  To be honest I did not think it was going to be possible without damaging the RV.  The good news is we Survived and only added a little bit a yellow paint to the RV.  No major damage to the RV which was the good news and we made it out of St. Louis.  So for our RVing friends if you are in the St Louis area avoid Arch Gateway Park and the Riverfront.  Home of Budweiser but Not RV friendly!!!!!  We left St Louis pretty quickly and headed off to Kentucky.  We did manage a few pictures out the window of the St Louis Arch.  So mission accomplished.

Abe Lincoln Presidential Museum Springfield IL

Lincoln Family

John Wilkes Booth

The St Louis Arch

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 17 : Off to the Land of Lincoln

So we woke up this morning after our wonderful sleep in the Cabela's parking lot.  Hey you can not beat the price FREE.  Since we missed out on Crackle Barrel for dinner last night we thought we would make up for it and have breakfast their this morning.  It was Yummy!!!  Then we headed off for our 7 hour drive to Springfield Illinois to Lincoln's Presidential Library and Museum.  Tonight we are staying in the Illinois State Fair campground.  Actually not bad for $25 a night.  We got lucky and they had a Farmers market going on their also tonight so we went and enjoyed dinner at the Farmer's Market.  In the morning we will be heading to the Lincoln Museum and then off to Kentucky for Mammoth Caves.  Lucky for you no pictures today. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 16 : Many Miles and a disappointing Triple D

So today we got up bright and early (much earlier than I would have liked) and began our long journey to Nebraska.  It was going to be about a 9 hours drive with an hour time change making it seem like 10 hours.  We stopped at Wall Drugs in SD after about a 2 hour drive.  Wall Drugs is this big tourist trap area that a drug store developed to ensure people would stop in Wall SD since other than this large group of touristry stores is the only thing in the town.  Probably employs about half the people that live there.  Well after filling up with Gas and doing a little shopping we hit the road again to continue our all day drive.  We we reached our destination which was a Cabela's in La Vista Nebraska we had to find a place to eat.  Our first choice was a Crackle Barrel which is one of my favorite restaurants.  But then I decided to check out my Triple D spreadsheet for restaurants in Omaha Nebraska since it was just next door.  We found a place called Joe Tess which was a fish restaurant.  We decided to give it a try.  Should have known we were not going to be impressed when we walked in to a restaurant that sits about 100 people at prime dinner time and there were only 3 tables with people.  We order some different items, fried carp was what they were suppose to be famous for.  All I can say is it was barely average food.  Very disappointing should have stuck with our first choice.  Oh well can win them all.  Oh, for those who do not know what Triple D is it is a show on the Food Network: Dives, Drive Inns and Diners.  Off to Springfield IL tomorrow.

Wall Drug

Joe Tess, Triple D disappointment

Our Progress so far

Day 15 : 4 P's in Stone

Today was spent sight seeing around the Mount Rushmore area.  We spent a couple of hours in the town of Keystone looking and buying souvenirs.  Colleen got some nice Black Hills Gold jewelry at one of the local shops in Keystone. After eating lunch in Keystone we headed up to Mount Rushmore to see the 4 P's in Stone (Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln)  It was a pretty cool sight that I have always wanted to see.   It amazes how someone can carve a mountain and have it turn out so perfect.  Especially when this work was done there were no computers and anything like that to help them convert a 1/12th model to what is carved into Mount Rushmore.  I think it is quite amazing.  We came back to our campground to have dinner and then headed back to Mount Rushmore for the evening show at 9pm.  It was a very nice show going over each president and why they were selected to have their head carved into the mountain.  At the end the turned the lights on the mountain to give a nice view of the carvings at night.  It was well worth driving the 40 minutes back for the night show.  Well tomorrow we have a 9-10 hour drive to NoWhere (La Vista) Nebraska to spend a night in the Cabela's parking lot.

Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln

Tracy and the girls hanging out with the Prez's

Night Lighting of Mount Rushmore

Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 14 : Devil went down to South Dakota

So this morning we went up to Devils Tower for a quick visit and to get the girls National Passport stamped.  I have to say it is an absolute amazing mountain.  We took a short walk around the base and saw some crazy people climbing up the side of the mountain.  After our quick visit we got in the RV and headed towards Custer State Park in South Dakota.  We arrived at the park and found our spot in the campground.  We then went up for a visit to the Crazy Horse Memorial.  It is going to be an amazing carving when it is done.  The bad news is most likely I will not get to see it finished in my life time, maybe my kids will.  It will be about 10 times larger than Mount Rushmore.  They have been working on it for about 50 years now and they have basically only completed the face.  The original sculptor who is dead now and his wife and kids are continuing the carving originally basically worked on it by himself day in and day out.  Luckily he had 10 kids to start helping as they grew up.  The project is completely privately funded and they refuse on funds from either the State or Federal governments to ensure it gets completed as planned.  Tomorrow we will be heading up to Mount Rushmore to view the carving and see the night show.  The wife also wants to check out some black hills gold stores also.