Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day 19 : Spelunking and Fire Flys

Well today we got up ate breakfast and headed off to Mammoth Caves.  These are the longest caves in the known world at over 400 miles long.  We signed up for two different tours each two hours.  The Historic tour we did in the morning and got to experience caves like Tall Man's Agony and Fat Man's Misery.  Trust me I would hate to be a tall, fat man going through these sections.  I am not that tall and it was a pain getting through some of the small areas in the caves.  In the afternoon we took the New Entrance Tour which took us 260 ft straight down in the beginning and then we worked our way back up to ground level.  The last area was called Frozen Niagara and had lots of Stalagmites and Stalactites.  This was really the only area in the caves that had these formations which is caused by water leaking into the caves.  Most of the cave area was very dry.  To me the best part of the caves were the constant 57 degrees while it was in the mid 80s and humid above ground.  In the evening the girls caught fire flies which is a true sign we are on the east coast.  You west coast only people probably have never seen fire flies which are little bugs the fly around and light up at dusk.  Well tomorrow we end our sight seeing for several days as we head up to PA to visit Colleen's parents for several days and then head off to Connecticut to visit her brother.  So don't be concerned if you do not see any blogs for the next few days as I doubt their will be much to write about.  Talk to you all soon!!!!

Now don't they look like they are having fun

Frozen Niagara

Frozen Niagara

Frozen Niagara

Frozen Niagara

Frozen Niagara

Frozen Niagara

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