Saturday, June 15, 2013

Day 11 : Grizzlies, Wolves and Snow

So today we got up and pack things up in our West Montana RV Site as we were heading into Yellowstone for our 1 night in the park.  We parked our RV at the Visitor Center and explore the town of West Yellowstone.  Our first stop was the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center.  Since we was pretty sure we would not be seeing any Grizzlies or Wolves in the park we thought this would be the next best thing.  We learned a lot about Black and Grizzly bears and watch a wonderful video on the reintroduction of Wolves into Yellowstone.  Outside they had exhibits of live Grizzlies, Wolves and some Raptors.  After seeing the Grizzlies in the cages I am very happy that we did not run into any while exploring Yellowstone.  Those are some really big bears!!!  We had lunch and then returned our rental car to the airport and headed to our new overnight homestead at Bridge Bay inside Yellowstone.  When we got there it started getting really cold and as I was grilling our burgers for dinner we actually got some snow flurries (Yes snow in June).  Over night it got down to about 30 degrees.  Thankfully we have a good heater to keep us warm.  Over to Thermopolis WY tomorrow!!!!

Grizzly Bear

Grey Wolf

Our view from the campground in Yellowstone Park

Grizzly Bear

Grey Wolf

Bald Eagle

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