Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 9: Yellowstone is AMAZING!!!!

So we got up this morning and ate breakfast, pack a lunch and headed in for a day of Yellowstone.  After my disappointment in West Glacier and Montana, I was really hoping to be amazed by Yellowstone.  All I can say is I was not disappointed.  As we made it past the West Gate within a couple of miles we saw cars pulling over, a good sign in Yellowstone, as we approached we saw a dozen or so Bison and several Elk in the grass enjoying their morning breakfast.  The excitement was building, this was a good start to the day.  A couple of more miles down the road traffic was at a standstill.  A young Bison decided to take a stroll down the road, he practically walks right next to our car.  Now this is what I was hoping for.  Wildlife is definitely abundant throughout the park, we saw hundreds, maybe thousands, of Bison throughout the day as wells as a Mountain Goat, a Black Bear and several more Large Elk.  We also say the Norris Geyser Basin as well as several other Hot Spring areas.  We also saw four or five Waterfalls and even had to wait under a tree through a rail and hail storm to see one of them since we were half way there when it started, needless to say I was a little wet by the time we got back.  We also saw the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone which I have to say is quite impressive with all the red and yellow colors in the stone.  We did and saw all this and we only explored the northern loop of Yellowstone.  Tomorrow we head of to explore the southern loop, who knows what we will get to experience.  Yellowstone is one place where a traffic jam usually means a good thing!!!!

Mr. Bison strolling down the road

The Ladies with Bison in the background

All I am thinking about is Bison Burgers

A waterfall

I wonder does his mom know he is playing up there

Norris Geyser Basin

Norris Geyser Basin

Such a beautiful Background

Hot Spring amazing mineral buildup around it

Are you tired of seeing Waterfalls Yet?

Too Bad here is another one

The Bears

Larger herd of Bison

Water fall at Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

A Family photo of the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

Elk on our way out of the Park

Bison and her babes

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