Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 25 : Horses and Strawberry fields

So today was going to be another day of off and on rain.  We decided to try our luck at picking strawberries before lunch.  We had lots of luck and were able to pick two flats of delicious strawberries before the rain arrived.  We then had lunch and headed off to the stables where Aunt Julie has her horse Petey.  One of the girls most favorite things is horse back riding.  So we got to the stable and Saddle up the horses and the girls got to ride for about an hour.  Julie and the two girls headed out for a short trail ride and time the left the covered arena it started to pour down rain.  But trust neither one of the girls wanted to turn around.  The three of them came back quite wet.  They had a great time riding with their Aunt Julie.  We had a wonderful dinner and then ended the evening with some wonderful fresh strawberry shortcake.

Girls with Petey

Aunt Julie giving Petey a warm up

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