Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 15 : 4 P's in Stone

Today was spent sight seeing around the Mount Rushmore area.  We spent a couple of hours in the town of Keystone looking and buying souvenirs.  Colleen got some nice Black Hills Gold jewelry at one of the local shops in Keystone. After eating lunch in Keystone we headed up to Mount Rushmore to see the 4 P's in Stone (Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln)  It was a pretty cool sight that I have always wanted to see.   It amazes how someone can carve a mountain and have it turn out so perfect.  Especially when this work was done there were no computers and anything like that to help them convert a 1/12th model to what is carved into Mount Rushmore.  I think it is quite amazing.  We came back to our campground to have dinner and then headed back to Mount Rushmore for the evening show at 9pm.  It was a very nice show going over each president and why they were selected to have their head carved into the mountain.  At the end the turned the lights on the mountain to give a nice view of the carvings at night.  It was well worth driving the 40 minutes back for the night show.  Well tomorrow we have a 9-10 hour drive to NoWhere (La Vista) Nebraska to spend a night in the Cabela's parking lot.

Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln

Tracy and the girls hanging out with the Prez's

Night Lighting of Mount Rushmore

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