Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 13: Not another night in Thermopolis

So we woke up this morning, ate breakfast and made our way to the Wyoming Dinosaur Center.  We decided to do the museum as wells as a dig site tour.  We spent the first hour looking around the museum and they had some pretty impressive fossils and dinosaurs.  Now whether they are better than the Smithsonian maybe debatable.  The impressive part is that they retrieve many of their fossils right their in Thermopolis WY.  Next we went up to the dig site which is about a 2 mile bus ride up into the dirt hills.  They currently had about 6 digs active, most of their diggers are volunteers, interns and college students earning credits.  Since this is a private dig and museum, it is all self sufficient so the entry fee into the museum pays for the fossil digging.  So since this is in the middle of nowhere WY, I imagine their progress is pretty slow and dependent on how many free workers they can get.  We got to see bones of an Allosaurus that was being excavated at one of the dig sites.  After spending about an hour at the dusty hot dig site we headed back to the museum.  We went for lunch and then decided that we really did not want to spend another night here, trust me other than the museum it is pretty much a very small town with not a lot to do especially on a Sunday.  Being flexible and making changes to the plan has always been an option, so we decided to head to Devils Tower WY for the night.  We arrived at Devils Tower at about 10pm and it was an amazing view of the mountain and brought back memories of Close Encounters of the Third Kind.  It is a pretty amazing Mountain.  Well till tomorrow, unless we get picked up by some Aliens!!!

Wyoming Dinosaur Center, Thermopolis

A Dinosaur Fossil

A Dinosaur Fossil

A Dinosaur Fossil

Information about the Dig Site at the Center

View as we were driving to the Northeast corner of WY

Devils Tower as we arrived around 10pm

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Dinosaurs and Devil's Tower in the same day. Happy Father's Day Tracy!
