Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 26: Play Ball and Fireworks

Today we went to see our Nephew/Cousin play in his Allstar Baseball game.  It was a great game but they loss by a score of 8-10.  We had a great time watching the game and spending time with Colleen's Brother Family.  After the game we headed back to their house and cooked a really nice dinner.  After dinner the kids did some fireworks a little early of the fourth but unfortunately we had to head out in the morning to continue our journey.  After fireworks and catching a few fire flies we all played Po-Ke-No and had a good time.  Off to wonderful Maine tomorrow!!!  Also thanks to Rich Horn and Alex and Jason Jahn for helping me resolve my AC issues back in Folsom.  It is so nice to have such great friends that are their to help when you need them no questions asked.  THANKS and we owe you guys.

Caleb getting advice from Dad

No sure if he is playing Baseball or Golf - But was good for a double

Safely stealing third

Kids cooling off in the pool

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