Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 8 : We conquered the Divide

So we headed out this morning leaving Glacier National Park as a memory in our mind.  We headed south to the southern tip of Montana with our next stop being West Yellowstone MT.  As we made our way south we conquered the Continental Divide and when you do it in a 32 ft RV you do it at not a very fast pace.  I guess I have to say I had quite the wrong impression of what to expect as we traveled through Montana.  I had expected to see huge herds of Buffalo all over Montana or at least cattle but I have to say I seen more cattle going down I-5 to Amanda's Volleyball tournaments in Galt.  And all our travels through Montana I only saw one small herd of Buffalo.  I also thought I would see ton of wildlife in Idaho, Montana and Glacier but I have been quite disappointed their also.  We have seen 1 Elk, 1 Deer, 4 foxes (the animal kind), 1 Bison and a few squirrels.  To be honest I can drive down Sibley Street in Folsom and probably see more wild life just counting the Turkeys.  Well tomorrow we will drive into Yellowstone and I hope that my impressions of what I am expecting here are not disappointing.  We have 3 full days to explore the large park so I should be able to spot at least a few animals roaming around.  If not I will just count the other humans in our RV Park as wildlife.  I do have to say I got a very nice Bison Burger in West Yellowstone for dinner, hope it was not the one we saw on the side of the road coming into West Yellowstone.  Well I will post a few pictures of our travels south for you to enjoy.  Till tomorrow!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yellowstone should have more wildlife. Buffalo and maybe some bears and stuff. Hope they're out roaming for you :-)
