Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 29 : 6250 miles down and still going!!!!

Well we headed out of Maine this morning heading down to Cape Cod Massachusetts for a couple of days.  We packed up and said goodbye to all of our Lobster Shells that we consumed while in Maine.  All was going well until the GPS took us through the middle of Boston around 3 pm.  Lets just say I can not stand large city traffic.  We were in stop and go traffic for almost 2 hours, did I say I hate traffic.  After we finally got through the traffic we arrived at our campground around 6pm.  Can anyone guess what we had for dinner.  If you guess Lobster you are correct.  From the left over meat from the 5 lobsters we had the the night before, Colleen made a delicious New England Lobster Chowder.  Tomorrow we are planning on heading to Plymouth Plantation a town that is made to look like Pilgrim times.

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