Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 30 : The Pilgrims Land at Plymouth Rock

This morning we headed out to visit Plymouth Mass.  We went to Plimoth Plantation and got to see how the Wampanoag and English settles lived in 1620 when the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock.  As always the White man took advantage and the Indians and did not always treat them with respect.  The settlers thought that since the King of England gave them permission to cross the Atlantic and settle the area that they had the right to come in and take over the land and build settlements.  We also saw one of the original corn mills that was used to help grind the corn into grits or flour.  This was a huge benefit to the settlers who originally did it by hand before the Mill.  We also got to see the Plymouth Rock (not sure if it was the original one or not).  Tomorrow we are thinking about going to Nantucket or to see Light Houses.

Entrance to Plimoth Plantation

Model of the Mayflower

Winter type Indian House

Indian mom and daughter doing Pottery

Summer House of the Wampanoag

Entering the English Settlement

Settlers House

Inside the Settlers House

Settler woman talking about life in the 1620s

English Settlement

Corn Grist Mill

Grinding Wheel

Plymouth Rock with 1620 engraved on it

1 comment:

  1. Cool. I've always wanted to see Plymouth Rock (but I always thought it would be bigger :-)
