Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 42 : Remember the Alamo

Well we got up early this morning packed things up in Matagorda Bay and headed to San Antonio.  We were on the road by 7am.  Today was a nice short drive of only 4 hours so we arrived around 11am.  Got our site, confirmed that the repair man was coming and headed across the street for some good Tex-Mex food.  After eating lunch I sent the girls off on the bus to check out the Alamo and walk around downtown River Walk while I waited for the repair man to fix the Refrigerator.  He arrived about 3pm and reset the Refrigerator tested everything and we were good to go with a working Refrigerator.  So hopefully no more issues with it and we can stick with only the non-working AC in the cab of the RV.  After the repair work was completed I hopped on the bus and headed downtown to meet the girls.  Oh I almost forgot time I got to the bus stop waiting for the bus the skys opened up and the rain came pouring down and unfortunately with no cover at the bus stop by the time the bus arrived I was soaked.  I am so happy I live in Sacramento with no rain during the summer.   I took a quick tour of the Alamo which I enjoyed, got to watch a short film on the battle their and the heroic 200 men that based decided to give the life up for Texas.  I am amazed at my travels and the number of Historic sites that are not funded by the government in any way and are totally self sufficient on donations, ticket sales and gift shop sales.  At least their are a few places that refuse government handouts.  After the tour of the Alamo we took a stroll on San Antonio's River Walk.  This is a beautiful area that the city built to bring in tourism and it make the old city really nice for tourist with many nice restaurants, hotels and gift shops.  After a nice dinner at Joe's Crab Shack we hopped back on the bus and headed for our RV.  Tomorrow we have another long trip up to Carlsbad Caverns on the Texas/New Mexico border.  But we have a refrigerator again, YIPPPEEE!!!!!

Front of the Alamo Church

Don't they look like they are having a great time

This the letter Travis sent out asking for help when Santa Anna attacked the Alamo

Memorial for the men who lost their life trying to defend the Alamo

Travis and Davy Crockett

River Walk San Antonio

A Pineapple Pina Colada makes everyone happy

Riverwalk after a downpour

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