Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 33 : Taylor's went down to Georgia

Well we arose early this morning to pack things up and finish our journey to my parents in GA.  We had breakfast at the Waffle House, one of the best breakfast places in the world and they have them all around the south.  Maybe I should open a Waffle House in CA.  Well we spent the next 6 hours traveling through Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and finally home sweet home GA.  We arrived at my parents house around 5:30pm and they had cooked a ham dinner for us which was really nice to have a home cooked meal.  I think my brother was really happy to get back home and able to sleep in his own bed tonight.  It was great hanging out with him last week but 5 people in one RV can get quite crowded after 6 or 7 days.  Well now we get another 4 night break from the RV at my parents house which will be very nice.  A real bed in a real house is a nice thing.  It is hard to believe that tomorrow we only have 3 weeks of our trip left.  I can definitely say I think we are all happy to be heading by west again soon.  Tomorrow will be a day of repairing the RV and getting things ready for the final 3 weeks of travel.  I am glad to hear the weather has cooled slightly for all of our CA friends.

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