Thursday, July 4, 2013

Day 31 : Day of 3 B's (Beacons, Beaches and a Birthday)

So first off Happy Birthday America and My brother Troy.  Today we got up and headed out to see a few lighthouses.  We soon discovered that our task was not going to be as easy as we hoped since today was the 4th of July and I think everyone wanted to head to the beach on this hot and muggy day.  So we had a difficult time finding parking spaces to go view and enjoy the lighthouses on our agenda.  They have many lighthouses in the Cape Cod area but several of them are privately owned so "No Trespassing" and several are in areas that have limited parking especially on summer holidays.  Well we did manage to see 3 of the 6 lighthouses we set out to see.  So we decided to just hang out at the beach at the last one we attempted to view.  Melanie went into the very cold water and enjoyed it while the rest of us only went up to our knees.  We returned to our campsite and cooked some Buffalo Burgers and Dogs for dinner.  Afterwards we got Uncle Troy a cake and put candles on them so we could celebrate his Birthday.  So tomorrow we start our journey towards Georgia, it will take us two days to get there.  Hope everyone had a great and safe fourth of July.

Nobska Lighthouse

Lighthouse # 2

Lighthouse # 3

Melanie enjoying the Ocean

My silly family

I am not sure I am related to them

Uncle Troy blowing out his 48 candles (Such an older Brother)

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