Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 52 : A little R & R in Morro Bay

So today was a nice relaxing day in Morro Bay.  We slept in a little till about 8:30am which has been sleeping in on this trip.  Then we had breakfast and took a walk around the bay and visited the Morro Bay museum of Natural History which explained the history of the bay here.  After that we came back to our site and played some cards and hung out in the wonderful cool weather till dinner where we headed down to the Bayside Cafe and had dinner.  After dinner we walked around the tide pools since it was low tide and harassed some crabs.  Any time you moved a rock 20 or 30 crabs would go scurrying across the beach hoping not to be bird food.  Tomorrow we head up coast a few hours to Marina around the Monterey Bay area. 

Basically the best view we got of Morro Rock

Cool Rock we found while exploring Tide Pools

Mr Crabs

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