Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 28 : Words of the day Lobster and Fog

So this morning we got up had breakfast and made our way into Acadia National Park.  The day was very overcast and foggy.  We first went up to Cadillac Mountain which is the Highest Mountain on the Atlantic coast.  Unfortunately our view was mostly covered in fog but we still enjoy it from up on top of the mountain.  We then went to see Jordan Pond and enjoy the beautiful scenery. One of our biggest hopes was to see a Moose while touring around Acadia National Park.  Unfortunately we only saw the one in the picture below.  For lunch we headed over to Thurstons Lobster Pound for you guess it Lobster.  It was so good we decided to pick up another 5 to take back to camp for dinner.  It is amazing how good the fresh Maine Lobster was.  After lunch we headed back to Acadia to visit the Sandy Beach and Thunder Hole.  After we finished up with Acadia we decided to do some souvenir shopping in Bar Harbor.  After a few hours of shopping we headed back to camp to make dinner.  We remove the meat from our 5 lobsters and made Lobster Rolls and Lobster Chowder.  It was quite good.  We leave Maine in the morning to head down to the Cape Cod area in Massachusetts.  Hope everyone is staying cool back in Folsom, heard it was suppose to hit about 115 today.


5 Volunteers for Dinner

So many Lobsters so little time

Lining up for Dinner

Lobster dock

Tracy, Troy, Amanda and Melanie hanging out at Cadillac Mountain

The Family

Uncle Troy and Mel

View of the Harbor from Cadillac Mountain

Mel Cool

Hanging out on the Bridge at Jordan Pond

Laying down on the job

Look we saw a Moose

Tracy and Amanda

Thunder Hole

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