Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 51 : From hell to heaven in a day

So this morning we got up early to leave the hell on earth in the Mojave Desert.  We were up at 6am packing things up to be gone by 7am and at 7am when we left it was over 90 degrees already.  It took us probably 5 hours to get out of the Mojave desert and we have no desire to go back.  Death Valley will be one National Park we will not plan on visiting unless it is the dead of winter.  In our travels through the desert we passed a huge Wind Mill farm, must have been a 1000 wind mills, at least California is trying to be green.  There were more Wind Mills in that one farm than I saw throughout the rest of the US on our trip.  I think we probably saw 100 at the most in all the other states we passed through.  So on our way to Morro Bay we pass through Paso Robles a big wine area (we love wine).  So we decided we had time to stop at two wineries and chose Tobin James and J Lohr.  They both had some really good wine so we ended up with about a case of wine (Tobin James was better of the two) and headed out to Morro Bay.  When we arrived the temperature was about 65 degrees and it was wonderful.  Even though it was quite foggy (we only have seen half of Morro Rock) it was wonderful compared to Needles.  Colleen and I took a walk around the bay and had a wonderful, peaceful and COOL evening in Morro Bay.  This is a beautiful area and look forward to a day of exploring tomorrow.

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