Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 32 : New York State of Mind

Well today we began our 2 day journey south to Georgia.  Our trip would take us through NY City on I 95 and I thought it would be great to see the skyline with the new World Trade Center.  Well that good thought change quickly as we came into the city to cross over the George Washington bridge and traffic was a standstill at 2pm.  We spent the next hour or so creeping along, trust me it was not fun and I was not thinking happy thoughts.  But we finally made it past the traffic and got to see the new sky line in the hazy distance.  I have to say it is nice to see the World Trade Center back in the sky line even if it is only one now.  We continued our journey south with the idea of stopping somewhere in Virginia probably near Richmond.  We found a reasonable RV campground on the northern outskirts of Richmond and stay there for the night.  We were originally thinking of Wal Marting it but with the hot humid weather we decided AC sounded very nice so looked for a place with electric hookups.  Add bonus was the Water and Sewer hookups so we all got showers too.  Tomorrow we continue our journey south to GA and will arrive in the evening.  Georgia on my Mind!!!!

George Washington Bridge after an hour of Traffic

NY City Skyline

New World Trade Center in NY

1 comment:

  1. Must have been good to see the new tower, even if from a distance.
