Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 54 : All good things must come to an END

So it is hard to believe that this is our last full day of our epic journey.  I am definitely a little sad that is must come to an end but unfortunately I am not filthy rich and we have to go back to work.  So today we spent most of the day hanging out at the beach, where the girls hunted for sand dollars and made bull whips our of Kelp.  It was a very nice and relaxing day and just the right way to end 54 days on the road.  Tomorrow we will be getting up and packing things in for the final time as we will be traveling home.  We have about a 3 1/2 hour trip to Folsom so we will probably be arriving around 1pm.  Tomorrow or Monday I will fill everyone in on the details of what we cover in this epic journey.  Thanks to everyone who has been reading the blog as we made our way around the US these last 2 months.  I am almost as sad about ending the blog as I am about the trip ending.  It has actually been fun logging for everyone this wonderful journey my family has taken.  Well I hope everyone has enjoyed my monologues and I have not bored you to much.  Adiós

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